This year’s annual general meeting of the Christian Senior Citizens Home Society of Northern Alberta included a special presentation on Seniors in Palliative Care, by Yvonne Appah. The many members who attended were provided with information on the recent advances made to support those who are in palliative care. These included comfort care and measures surrounding access to pain management, knowledge to make individual, personalized decisions, resources available to clients and their families, and knowledge in goals of care and the implications of those documents. For more information and resources that were highlighted in Yvonne’s presentation, follow these links.

Yvonne Appah RN, MN, NP, GNC (C), is a Nurse Practitioner in Continuing Care who graduated from the University of Alberta, Faculty of Nursing with a Masters of Nursing, specializing in Adult Acute Care. Yvonne has several years of experience in the acute care and community setting, in areas ranging from the Emergency Department to Supportive Living and Long Term Care. In addition to her clinical experience, Yvonne also holds a sessional teaching appointment at MacEwan University teaching Gerontology and Palliative Care. Yvonne has certification in Gerontology from the Canadian Nurses Association and has a special interest in palliative care.

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